Relax Your Body, Mind and Soul with Different Types of Meditation Techniques

Types of Meditation
Different Types of Meditation Technique (Foto:

In today’s world of strife and competition, meditation is almost indispensable. With people leading a frantic lifestyle, stress is mounting up which in turn is becoming a strong cause of heart disease and high blood pressure. It is thereby important to relax ourselves. And this can be achieved through meditation. Meditation is a simple way to balance one’s physical, emotional and mental well being.

While there are numerous different meditation techniques, you can stick to the technique which suits you the most. Have a glimpse at the under mentioned basic categories of meditation techniques.

Fundamental Meditation Technique

This involves putting your mind at ease & thinking of nothing. This might seem to be complicated for those who are doing it for the first time.

A good way to begin is to stop thinking about the problems of your life and instead think of yourself as an observer of your thoughts and let them go as soon as they start materializing. The key is to witness your thoughts without putting any judgments.

Focused Meditation Technique

This essentially means focusing your complete attention on one object without getting distracted by your thoughts.

For example, concentrating on a visual object like a statue, the flame of a candle, something auditory like sound of an instrument or simply focusing on your breath. Lot of people find this technique easy & simple compare to the above mentioned technique.

Activity-Oriented or Walking Meditation Technique

With this technique of meditation, you connect yourself in a recurring activity.

This calms down the mind, and allows your brain to shift. This involves your body, wherein you can meditate while performing activities like gardening, walking, creating artwork, or practicing yoga. As your mind meanders, focus on your breathing and the movement of the body.

Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

This technique is also known as vipassanna or insight meditation and is practiced by Buddhists.

It is all about practicing and concentrating on all what you do and all what is going around you during meditation. It is all about staying in the present then thinking about the future. It is a way of self-awakening.

Spiritual Meditating

Though not religion specific, meditation can also be a spiritual practice. Many people experience meditation as a form of prayer. Once the mind becomes calm and quiet, people experience inner wisdom.

You can meditate on a single phrase or a question until an answer comes. Though this might seem to be very engaging, this would clear their mind and accept whatsoever comes that day.

Whatever techniques you choose to use, the prospective benefits are obvious and abundant, making it one of the most commonly suggested stress management practices.

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